There was a backroom meeting at the court and Roberts drew the short straw. Plain and simple - this is how the vote had to go. Roberts has provided three large chunks of red meat to the republican party:
- Activist courts and judges have to be controlled
- We have to elect Romney to overturn Obamacare
- Obamacare is a tax
It was served up on a silver platter. Watch Fox for 10 minutes. These themes are repeated ad nauseum. Even Fox played along by initially, incorrectly announcing that Obamacare had been overturned.
The conservative justices best move is the last one. The first two were pretty obvious, but the last one was pure genius. While voting with the majority he managed to reframe the healthcare law in exactly opposite terms from the democrats position.
Honor the true political operative for sacrificing himself for the cause. I applaud you sir. Well played. Smart. Clever. Ruthless.