I have mixed feelings about opening this blog up for free from comments. I can get plenty of feedback from other sources and prefer that this area (at least for now) remains a place where I can speak and not be shouted at. If you like what I have to say or share great! I hope you come back, send me an email. If you feel I'm misguided and you need to force you point of view on me, I'll pass. I doubt you'll change my views.
If you feel the need to comment, start your own blog. I might find it one day. Post on FaceBoob (oops - Facebook). Tweet about what you find here.
I might, or might not read emails sent to contemplatecenter@gmail.com
And... I may or may not respond.
Most of all, I hope you found something to make you think, smile, scratch your head, or go out and help a fellow being.