Thursday, October 24, 2013

Truthiness - Facebeook - Semi Rant

As I've done before, I'm ranting here instead of on Facebook.

I recently started typing a response to someone who sent me comments on some politically oriented posts I’ve made on FB.

The comments this person made were snarky (which is ok and can be fun).  However, these comments also seemed to question my integrity.  I've got a thick skin, but just no need to go there.  I try to avoid it.  There were ways to question my posts without it being turned personal.  When I have gone to sarcastic, and sometimes personal attack type responses I can be brutal and relentless.  I don't like that side of me and I try to avoid it.

My response turned into a long response with numerous rebuttals to their comments.  

Rebuttals like this:

  • This person seems to have a problem with "timeliness".
  • One of my posts was a shared article from 2010 which questioned the charity activities of a particular political pundit.  When I shared the post, I specifically noted it needed more research.  And my subsequent research indicated that the parent charity organization scores rather low with a respected rating organization and that the pundit no longer engages in the questionable events.  Seems to me like there was some thing going on.  I presume the "commenter" feels that time heals all indiscretions - particularly when a charity serving veterans appears to have been abused for personal gain.
  • Another of my posts was a well done survey conducted in 2006 regarding voter identity documentation.  Again this particular "commenter" felt this data was too old.  I feel the data is still relevant.  If one considers census data, which is used for 10 years, I think if you dig into the details of the survey data and survey topics you will find it is most likely still relevant.  (Personal opinion.)
½ way through my written diatribe I realized its just not worth it.  They have their world view.  I’m not going to change it.  I have my world view.  They are probably not going to change it.  Personally I’m comfortable with my world view and the effort I put into checking, expending and shaping it.  For me, it’s not a good use of my time and brain cycles to attempt to engage in political dialogue with those that have a significantly different and intransigent world view.  

Feel free to comment on my posts if you feel the need.  If I feel the need, I’ll dig deeper and I might respond.  I’ll even mark posts that I think need more investigation.  I think I do an okay job of vetting shared information, but I’ll admit I’m not perfect.  I make mistakes, or post "fringe" articles.  I have removed posts in the past because I’ve come to question their voracity.  

Of all the crap, half-truths and lies I regularly see promoted on Facebook and the media, I’m inclined to give myself a pass occasionally if one of my posts ranks a “meh” on the Fox “truthiness scale”.  Some of the “commenters” to my posts have in the past claimed the “use-of- absurdity-to-make-a-point” principle to justify statements made by a particular radio entertainer/pundit.  If you don’t like something I post, I recommend you apply this principle to my posts.  (I'm still not sure what principle(s) they use to justify believing anything Fox News says.)

I'm ok with all of the commented upon posts.  Sure the Solon article pushes the "truthiness" boundary, but no where near some of the information presented by right-wing "news" organizations.  

If you think one of my posts crosses some line, there are actions you can take that do not involve contacting me.  

If you follow me, you know that I regularly remove people from my FB feed when I feel their views are too extreme for me.  I encourage all to do the same.  Its funny that for most of these "commenters", I long ago removed them from my FB news feed.