Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Internal Job Interview Questions

A friend recently asked me for some advice regarding questions I've used in the past when interviewing someone for an internal job posting.  Here's a running list I've maintained over the years.  

  1. What intrigues you about this new role and why do you want to leave your current job?
  2. Does your manager know you have applied for this job?
  3. Would your manager recommend you for this position?
  4. If you had to give a new employee a couple of insights to working at <this company>, what would they be?
  5. If the people who work with you are asked why you should be hired, what would they say?
  6. What do you like best about your current position at the company?
  7. What don't you like about the job you're in now?
  8. What other positions have you held with the company?
  9. What was your biggest success story in your current position?
  10. Can you tell me what you know about the position you are being considered for?
  11. What do you know about our department?
  12. Why do you want the new position?
  13. How has your current position prepared you for this position?
  14. Tell us about some of your experiences outside of <this company> that relate to this position.
  15. What have you learned from your current position that transfers well to this new position?
  16. What existing relationships in the company do you have that will be beneficial in the new role?  Why?
  17. How will the new position change things for you? 
  18. Tell us about your experience in the travel technology industry?
  19. What is a project you are particularly proud of?
  20. Based on your experience here at <this company>, when you are given a project to create <user documentation for a new software feature>, how would you proceed with this project?  What steps would you take?
  21. Why should we consider you for this position?
  22. What in your background makes you an excellent candidate for this position? Why?
  23. While I don’t expect you know everything and we know there is a lot of training required for this role, what do you think are the most important training topics will you need to be successful in this position?
  24. What recommendations would you make for a successful transition from your current job to the new job?
  25. How will you handle it if you don't get the job?