Monday, July 30, 2012

Brainwashed by Fox... You think?

The following is a recent Facebook post.  It's unbelievable to me that anyone can not recognize the propaganda machine that is Fox News (same goes for MSNBC.)

  • "In the 1980's, I wastch CNN because, literally it was the only game in town. By the early 1990's, I'd stopped watching CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS because of their overt bias against conservatives. I haven't purposely wastch CNN in more than 20 years.

    Honestly, I prefer FOX News, because they at least are willing on most of their shows to present an opposing view point, no matter how idiotic. None of the other propagandizing channels do."
 This person doesn't have a clue that he's been drinking the cool-aid for 20 years.