Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Politics of Monochromatic Marketing

It just hit me today looking at the most recent Cover photo on Ann Romney's Facebook page.  How could I have missed it.  The heart of the Republican strategy - Monochromatic Marketing.

I'm guessing that is not the specific business term (some of my Marketing MBA friends can provide the correct term.)  But you've seen it.  I believe this theory of product presentation is often used at Target and many other retailers.  You know the displays - a group of sometimes totally unrelated products that share the same basic color scheme are put together in a display.  Marketers know that putting products together by color makes all of the products more interesting and appealing to the shopper.  This drives sales.

Look at that picture!  White, white, and more white.  It is a perfect marketing color scheme.  Not a bit of color to be seen.

Perfectly "monchromatically" grouped.  Looking at this one picture you begin to understand how the Republicans have been able to bring together conflicting constituencies to form a whole - The NRA, Evangelical Right, Oil and Industrial Billionaires, Wall Street Executives, Mormons, Heartland Voters (aka rednecks), Catholics (60% white - they add a little color).

Below, notice how color confuses the marketing message.

No one will buy that...
