I had indicated on "the faceboob" the night of November 6 that
gloating and “snarkyness” was reserved to that night and civil discourse
would be offered by me going forward on Nov 7. I
will attempt to live by that rule on "the faceboob", but I’ll offer snarky
You have the choice to read it or
not. If you are a republican - I warn you - Do NOT to read.
I would like to be one of those people saying “we
all need to come together and work together for the good of the country”. I would like to believe that will
happen. But, I’m partially a realist. Already seeing the nasty, bigoted, intolerant
speech propagating through the inter-tubes one cannot actually believe this is
going to happen. I’m also partially a Pollyanna at
heart and would like to believe constructive dialogue and compromise can happen. However, the craziness of the last four years and what I see already today from the "right" (and left) tells
me nothing will change.
I encourage the real Republicans out there to purge your
party of the religious zealots and racist.
Return to the real Republican core.
Your party has accomplished great things for the country in the past.
Note: I reserve the right to return snarky back to "the faceboob".
So! Without further
adieu, a little snark:
1. Let me
be sure I have this correct... He is such an excellent business man
that he could fix all of the problems in this country, however, he could
not run a successful operation to get elected.
2. Religious Right - how's the prayer working for you?
3. The congressional republican caucus met on the morning of Nov 7 to commit to the proposition that Barack Obama would only be a two term president. Ha!
5. Mittens - May you rot on the trash heap of failed political campaigns. How's the Fox News contract look?
6. Whispered across the country on Nov 7 - "God, where are you?"
8. Just a simple - "FUCK YOU" - to Fox News.
9. And another simple - "FUCK YOU" - to Rush Limbaugh.
Interesting Articles:
WSJ - Money
Biggest Looser
Rove - Senate Candidates
Interesting Articles:
WSJ - Money
Biggest Looser
Rove - Senate Candidates