Fantastic art and design blog.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Facebook Rant: Christian Compassion
The following was offered up today on Facebook by someone who is supposed to be a Christian:
"Are we missing something, here? After reading the headlines today about the US soldier who shot up Afghanistan civilians, I couldn’t help noticing an irony. There is all this clamor to try this guy quickly and execute him, never mind his having suffered a traumatic brain injury. Yet this Major Hasan, who shot up Fort Hood while screaming Allah akbar, still hasn’t stood trial, and they are still debating whether he was insane, even with the clear evidence regarding his motive: slay as many infidels as possible. So we have a guy in a war zone who cracks, and he must be executed immediately. But this Muslim psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders 13, wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome, from listening to real soldiers who had actual battle experience. Two and a half years later, they still haven’t tried the murderous creep."
I find this statement truly disgusting.
Where is the compassion of Jesus.
Both of these events were horrible and beyond belief.

I find this statement truly disgusting.
Where is the compassion of Jesus.
Both of these events were horrible and beyond belief.
To try to put some kind of political spin on these events along with a religious theme is sickening. Particularly for someone who presents herself as follower of Jesus.
People were brutally gunned downed. Families and friends grieve the loss of the murdered in both countries. They were all children of God (if there is one). They are the ones who deserve our focus. If there is a God, do you think he cares about boarders and nationality? Really?
This statement points to one of the primary problems in this world. People thinking they are better than other because of their religion or their nationality.
The bloodlust expressed in this posting is truly astounding and disgusting. The perpetrators of these heinous acts are behind bars, unable to harm others. At some point they will receive human justice. More importantly for a follower of Jesus and the Christian God, one should recognize that finally it is up to God to judge and punish.
Compassion and love should be heaped upon those who lost loved ones in these events.
This is why… I am NOT a Christian.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Tech: What Would Jesus Do with an iPad?
Christopher Unset <Original Post Here on Relevant>
Whether we like it or not, we are now living in the post-Microsoft iWorld of the late Steve Jobs. If you haven’t bought into the community, you’re still forced to read iPad press-releases, iPhone magazine articles and the occasional mundane details of Apple’s stock news. What does this do to our brains? The tech world’s fascination with latest-and-greatest gadgetry is not so innocuous, and Apple is currently its epicenter.
Apple’s success has largely been based on technological envy between users; you purchase an iPhone 4, then your friend purchases an iPhone 4S and leaves you wondering how life might be better with Siri on your side. Now you upgrade to an iPhone 4S only to find your phone obsolete six months later. Apple loves to change the design of its products, making the disparity between my device and the next person’s so apparent that whoever has the lower model number is flushed with embarrassment at the antiquated phone or tablet. Then we are compelled to upgrade either out of jealousy or self-aggrandizement.
As Christians, where does this sort of rat race leave us? Brush the dust off of your W.W.J.D. bracelet so we can illustrate this in the simplest of terms.
Would Jesus care what your iPhone says on the back? Do we care far too much? Buying into the Apple ecosystem is a dangerous task. Their business is partially one of status and upgrades. I’ve seen some bloggers who wonder if the newest iPad’s name, stripped of its numerical identification, is a huge mistake on Apple’s part. How will people know if the iPad 3 is better than the iPad 2? “The New iPad”, sans model number, could be perceived as a step backward by your friends.
But whether Apple continues using this current nomenclature is beside the point. What matters is the notion that we place portions of our identity in the electronics we own and then compare ourselves to others on this basis. It can be subconscious and the results are insidious. Sounding alarmist on this point seems like a Christian cliche but the slow transfer of identity in Christ to an identity in electronic stuff is dehumanizing and detrimental to our walk with God. The same can be said for nearly any commodity: clothes, cars, televisions or fancy foods. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” These are Jesus’ words in Luke 14, right after He observes how the guests seat themselves according to their measure of honor. My guess is, if Jesus owned an iPhone, He’d despise it as much as anything else in this world for its ability to distract us from true riches.
This is a complex issue. It is not simply about social comparison, but utility. Walking through Target, we can scan barcodes with our wireless phones and check prices on Amazon. We can speak addresses at our phones and receive precise, turn-by-turn directions.
Jesus likely made quality furniture before He began His—furniture that either His mother or neighbors appreciated for its excellence and usefulness. He did not scorn an object’s utility, but we misunderstand our needs when we translate an object’s utility into its value. In a world where we are called to derive value from heavenly treasure, value slips from Christ to objects with just a few envious glances at something useful. A thing’s utility is not inherently wrong, but in many circumstances, we translate utility into value as the object successfully fulfills our perceived needs. But man shall not live by iPad or bread alone.
When you buy an iPhone, iPad or iAnything, remember the feeling you have when you first open that perfectly square, beautifully packaged box; the warm ecstasy of holding such a well-crafted device can also be the weighty anchor of one more foothold in the world of men. We become reliant on the creation’s ego-boosting salve or utility rather than the Creator—and I don’t mean Steve Jobs .
Christopher Unseth is 23-year-old graduate of Brown University with a B.A. in religious studies. He works for a tech startup in Minnesota and plans to attend the University of Chicago’s Divinity School this fall.
Whether we like it or not, we are now living in the post-Microsoft iWorld of the late Steve Jobs. If you haven’t bought into the community, you’re still forced to read iPad press-releases, iPhone magazine articles and the occasional mundane details of Apple’s stock news. What does this do to our brains? The tech world’s fascination with latest-and-greatest gadgetry is not so innocuous, and Apple is currently its epicenter.
Apple’s success has largely been based on technological envy between users; you purchase an iPhone 4, then your friend purchases an iPhone 4S and leaves you wondering how life might be better with Siri on your side. Now you upgrade to an iPhone 4S only to find your phone obsolete six months later. Apple loves to change the design of its products, making the disparity between my device and the next person’s so apparent that whoever has the lower model number is flushed with embarrassment at the antiquated phone or tablet. Then we are compelled to upgrade either out of jealousy or self-aggrandizement.
As Christians, where does this sort of rat race leave us? Brush the dust off of your W.W.J.D. bracelet so we can illustrate this in the simplest of terms.
Would Jesus care what your iPhone says on the back? Do we care far too much? Buying into the Apple ecosystem is a dangerous task. Their business is partially one of status and upgrades. I’ve seen some bloggers who wonder if the newest iPad’s name, stripped of its numerical identification, is a huge mistake on Apple’s part. How will people know if the iPad 3 is better than the iPad 2? “The New iPad”, sans model number, could be perceived as a step backward by your friends.
But whether Apple continues using this current nomenclature is beside the point. What matters is the notion that we place portions of our identity in the electronics we own and then compare ourselves to others on this basis. It can be subconscious and the results are insidious. Sounding alarmist on this point seems like a Christian cliche but the slow transfer of identity in Christ to an identity in electronic stuff is dehumanizing and detrimental to our walk with God. The same can be said for nearly any commodity: clothes, cars, televisions or fancy foods. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” These are Jesus’ words in Luke 14, right after He observes how the guests seat themselves according to their measure of honor. My guess is, if Jesus owned an iPhone, He’d despise it as much as anything else in this world for its ability to distract us from true riches.
This is a complex issue. It is not simply about social comparison, but utility. Walking through Target, we can scan barcodes with our wireless phones and check prices on Amazon. We can speak addresses at our phones and receive precise, turn-by-turn directions.
Jesus likely made quality furniture before He began His—furniture that either His mother or neighbors appreciated for its excellence and usefulness. He did not scorn an object’s utility, but we misunderstand our needs when we translate an object’s utility into its value. In a world where we are called to derive value from heavenly treasure, value slips from Christ to objects with just a few envious glances at something useful. A thing’s utility is not inherently wrong, but in many circumstances, we translate utility into value as the object successfully fulfills our perceived needs. But man shall not live by iPad or bread alone.
When you buy an iPhone, iPad or iAnything, remember the feeling you have when you first open that perfectly square, beautifully packaged box; the warm ecstasy of holding such a well-crafted device can also be the weighty anchor of one more foothold in the world of men. We become reliant on the creation’s ego-boosting salve or utility rather than the Creator—and I don’t mean Steve Jobs .
Christopher Unseth is 23-year-old graduate of Brown University with a B.A. in religious studies. He works for a tech startup in Minnesota and plans to attend the University of Chicago’s Divinity School this fall.
Know and Love Your Introvert
We seem crazy, but we're really not. I promise... :)
The Atlantic: Caring for Your Introvert
CNN: Introverts Rule the World
The Atlantic: Caring for Your Introvert
CNN: Introverts Rule the World
Travel: Wow! How things have changed!
Here's an interesting piece on how packing has changed from BoingBoing.
The things we once packed...
The things we once packed...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Big Brother: Your Potential Employeer
Should you drop you Facebook account before you start a job hunt?
Job Seekers Asked for Facebook Passwords
Job Seekers Asked for Facebook Passwords
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Photography: Tilt Shift - Dublin
I've been experimenting with tilt shift photography. This one turned out nice.
Some more excellent examples of Tilt Shift photos:
- 40 awesome examples of tilt shift photography
Some more excellent examples of Tilt Shift photos:
- 40 awesome examples of tilt shift photography
Well said! - 10 Reasons the Rest of the World Thinks the U.S. Is Nuts
Soraya Chemaly
- Read her entire post here.
She's angry and admits it. Here's a except:
"What you are doing is disgraceful, hypocritical and morally corrupt.
And, no, I am not crazy. I am angry.
Mr. Santorum, Mr. England and Mr. Brownback and Mr. Perry you should consider not clinging so dangerously and perversely to the Agrarian Revolution ideas. Birth control and safe abortions are life-saving technologies. These archaic bills and laws, wasteful of time, money and lives, obscure an enduring and unchangeable truth: safe and effective family planning is the transformative social justice accomplishment of the 20th century. They will not go away. This is a revolution, too."
- Read her entire post here.
She's angry and admits it. Here's a except:
"What you are doing is disgraceful, hypocritical and morally corrupt.
And, no, I am not crazy. I am angry.
Mr. Santorum, Mr. England and Mr. Brownback and Mr. Perry you should consider not clinging so dangerously and perversely to the Agrarian Revolution ideas. Birth control and safe abortions are life-saving technologies. These archaic bills and laws, wasteful of time, money and lives, obscure an enduring and unchangeable truth: safe and effective family planning is the transformative social justice accomplishment of the 20th century. They will not go away. This is a revolution, too."
Monday, March 19, 2012
The President is a "Prepper"
Wow! While this type of Executive Order has been around since the Truman Administration, it still is eye opening to actually read it. This is not new and not a power grab that is unique to Obama. It provides a possible look into what the government thinks could happen if Israel and/or the US strikes Iran, or the cyber attack Sec. Panetta worries about.
- Executive Order-National Defense Resources Preparedness
Overviews and perspectives:
- Obama Prepares for a War Footing
- Snopes Review
- Executive Order-National Defense Resources Preparedness
Overviews and perspectives:
- Obama Prepares for a War Footing
- Snopes Review
Food for thought re. healthcare in the US
First, not a proponent of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act".
Here's a few articles and programs with some food for thought re healthcare in the US. Personally, I'd like to think there is a way for the US to figure out a way to provide healthcare to a larger portion of our population (some stats say we have 50 million without some form of health coverage.) I believe a healthy population lowers cost for all of us. Preventative care and early intervention, are much better than an emergency room visit when a condition/illness has progressed significantly and requires much more intensive and expensive curative procedures. Providing healthcare to all is morally and ethically the right thing to do. If you are a Christian, isn't it the Christian thing to do? Didn't Jesus heal the sick without expectation of payment? (Yeah, I know "bleeding heart". If our society believes that a basic education for all citizens is critical to our nations success, can't or shouldn't we make the same leap regarding healthcare?)
Forbes - Avik Roy: Could Swiss Style Healthcare Work in the US
I like his idea that there is enough wrong for both sides that they can say they forced the other side to take the poison pill and got a deal done.
Frontline Program: Sick Around the World
CNN - Fareed Zakaria: Saving Health Care
You will have to catch this program on CNN. DVR it. While there are problems with Zakaria's program (see below), it does show there are alternative paths to what we have today.
Forbes - Avik Roy discusses issues with Fareed's program
I like Fareed, but he does go off the rails as pointed out by Avik.
Here's a few articles and programs with some food for thought re healthcare in the US. Personally, I'd like to think there is a way for the US to figure out a way to provide healthcare to a larger portion of our population (some stats say we have 50 million without some form of health coverage.) I believe a healthy population lowers cost for all of us. Preventative care and early intervention, are much better than an emergency room visit when a condition/illness has progressed significantly and requires much more intensive and expensive curative procedures. Providing healthcare to all is morally and ethically the right thing to do. If you are a Christian, isn't it the Christian thing to do? Didn't Jesus heal the sick without expectation of payment? (Yeah, I know "bleeding heart". If our society believes that a basic education for all citizens is critical to our nations success, can't or shouldn't we make the same leap regarding healthcare?)
Forbes - Avik Roy: Could Swiss Style Healthcare Work in the US
I like his idea that there is enough wrong for both sides that they can say they forced the other side to take the poison pill and got a deal done.
Frontline Program: Sick Around the World
CNN - Fareed Zakaria: Saving Health Care
You will have to catch this program on CNN. DVR it. While there are problems with Zakaria's program (see below), it does show there are alternative paths to what we have today.
Forbes - Avik Roy discusses issues with Fareed's program
I like Fareed, but he does go off the rails as pointed out by Avik.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Rick's Science
The scientific method is based on experimentation, observation and documentation. "To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning."
- Santorum Speaks 1 > Rick Santorum on Global Warming
- Santorum Speaks 2 > Stewards
Additional articles related to climate change:
- National Geographic: Global Warming Facts
- National Geographic: Global Warming Web Site
- EPA Climate Chage Web Site
- NRDC: Global Warming
- The Union of Concerned Scientists: Global Warming
Dear reader - for a view of the opposite side of this debate simply do a Google search for "global warming hoax". You are welcome to form your own opinion, I have mine.
Based on reading some of the information from both sides of this debate, IMHO - Current research on global climate change seems to point to a correlation between man's activity and global warming. It could be wrong, but a large community of scientist believe it is the best interpretation and explanation of observed and collected data.
Personal Commentary: Mr. Santorum - If you are going to call the inquiry in to global warming a hoax, I'd just like to ask that you give up everything in your life that is the result of the application of the scientific method. You'll be left with yourself and the sticks and rocks you can carry. As for food... what you can kill with the stick or dig up from the ground. Can't really do formal farming. You'd be relying on information gleaned from scientific inquiry. None of the following - clothes, shoes, cars, airplanes, guns, better memorize that bible [ink, paper manufacturing and book binding are based on the application of the scientific method], you finally get to rid yourself of those evil contraceptives. Oh... sorry no more TV or radio broadcasts (Yea! for me! I no longer have to listen to you.)
If you are going to turn your back on science, please do it completely. Please! We will not have to read or listen to your ______ rantings. (I'll let the reader fill in the blank. Could not think of anything really nice to say.)
I know you doubters can point to various studies that say "it ain't so". And the damning leaked emails. Fine, fine. Just note that many more individuals in the scientific community (I know science, its scary), public service and just plain old folks believe the information and believe that global warming is influenced and exacerbated by human industrial activity. All those of us who do believe have one request for all of you who do not - Since you reject the global warming hypothesis, please reject all things that have been derived based on scientific inquiry. That way those of us willing to accept that man contributes to global warming will not have to deal with you for very much longer. We will be happy to wave to the happy, nude savages living in the forest with their sticks and rocks.
- Santorum Speaks 1 > Rick Santorum on Global Warming
- Santorum Speaks 2 > Stewards
Additional articles related to climate change:
- National Geographic: Global Warming Facts
- National Geographic: Global Warming Web Site
- EPA Climate Chage Web Site
- NRDC: Global Warming
- The Union of Concerned Scientists: Global Warming
Dear reader - for a view of the opposite side of this debate simply do a Google search for "global warming hoax". You are welcome to form your own opinion, I have mine.
Based on reading some of the information from both sides of this debate, IMHO - Current research on global climate change seems to point to a correlation between man's activity and global warming. It could be wrong, but a large community of scientist believe it is the best interpretation and explanation of observed and collected data.
Personal Commentary: Mr. Santorum - If you are going to call the inquiry in to global warming a hoax, I'd just like to ask that you give up everything in your life that is the result of the application of the scientific method. You'll be left with yourself and the sticks and rocks you can carry. As for food... what you can kill with the stick or dig up from the ground. Can't really do formal farming. You'd be relying on information gleaned from scientific inquiry. None of the following - clothes, shoes, cars, airplanes, guns, better memorize that bible [ink, paper manufacturing and book binding are based on the application of the scientific method], you finally get to rid yourself of those evil contraceptives. Oh... sorry no more TV or radio broadcasts (Yea! for me! I no longer have to listen to you.)
If you are going to turn your back on science, please do it completely. Please! We will not have to read or listen to your ______ rantings. (I'll let the reader fill in the blank. Could not think of anything really nice to say.)
I know you doubters can point to various studies that say "it ain't so". And the damning leaked emails. Fine, fine. Just note that many more individuals in the scientific community (I know science, its scary), public service and just plain old folks believe the information and believe that global warming is influenced and exacerbated by human industrial activity. All those of us who do believe have one request for all of you who do not - Since you reject the global warming hypothesis, please reject all things that have been derived based on scientific inquiry. That way those of us willing to accept that man contributes to global warming will not have to deal with you for very much longer. We will be happy to wave to the happy, nude savages living in the forest with their sticks and rocks.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Artist: Yumiko Kayukawa
Always enjoy her work.
Yumiko's web site.
Each beautiful piece showcases Yumiko’s amazing ability to paint powerful colors and perfect lines that look like they could only have been done digitally, though they are in fact only inks and acrylics... Her computer is reserved only for email. Animals are a predominant feature in her work along with "the girl". Her work ranges from the serious wolves in "Hoshitochi", to the playful frogs of "Amagaeru". There is no shortage of technical ability and whimsical fun in each stretched canvas original that should not be missed.
Each beautiful piece showcases Yumiko’s amazing ability to paint powerful colors and perfect lines that look like they could only have been done digitally, though they are in fact only inks and acrylics... Her computer is reserved only for email. Animals are a predominant feature in her work along with "the girl". Her work ranges from the serious wolves in "Hoshitochi", to the playful frogs of "Amagaeru". There is no shortage of technical ability and whimsical fun in each stretched canvas original that should not be missed.
Tribute to a follower of the scientific method
Thankful he came along when he did and that he was not afraid to follow science.
Link> F. Sherwood Rowland - Passed Away
Link> F. Sherwood Rowland - Passed Away
Facebook Rant: Mark Steyn on Ms. Fluke
The following article was recently offered up on Facebook.
I’ve got NO idea who Mark Steyn is, and based on his writing I have no desire to. Anyone who has to resort to this level of hate speech, caustic vitriol, and name calling, IMHO really has nothing worthwhile to say at all. Read Flukes testimony, does she resort to this level of discourse.
Without wasting too much of my brain time and serenity analyzing each line of his “commentary”, I’ll offer the following:
(1) Did he happen to read Ms. Fluke’s testimony. No where in her actual testimony does she discuss her personal sex life. How does he infer some of the derogatory statements he makes regarding Ms. Fluke from her testimony? Forgive me but I just don't see it. He seems to attempt to justify his statement, because others have used hateful speech about other women. Logical? Where does he infer frequency (as if that is any of his business any way).
(2) It is not his, nor any other person's business what the sex life is of another person (as long as they are not harming another). It is not his, nor any other person's responsibility to determine what is or is not virtuous behavior in another. That is between the person, their higher power and anyone they are in a relationship with.
(3) The decision for the type of contraception that a man or woman chooses should be between the patient and their doctor. The art, science, profession and practice of medicine is based on standards of care as defined by the profession. It’s the decision of the medical practitioner and patient to determine the appropriate standard of care for the patient’s situation. The decision regarding the form of birth control is between the doctor and patient. Institutions and business need to decide if they are going to provide medical coverage in whole as determined by the doctor and patient based on accepted standards of care, or none at all. Institutions should not be able to pick and choose those standards of care and practices which they will and will not permit the insurance provider to cover (particularly based on “religious” grounds).
(4) Remember, the woman (or man) is totally free to exercise their freedom of religion and not choose or accept a particular form of treatment, for example a form of birth control.
(5) Ms. Fluke is not asking for the institution or the government (tax payer) to pay for contraception. While Mr. Steyn does seem to acknowledge this point, it is vague best. She is asking that an INSURANCE PLAN SHE PAYS FOR provide the benefit of covering all or a part of birth control pills. The school does not pay for her insurance, I don’t think it is even a partially funded program.
(6) His main point seems to be: “… the most basic issue here is not religious morality, individual liberty or fiscal responsibility. It's that a society in which middle-age children of privilege testify before the most powerful figures in the land to demand state-enforced funding for their sex lives at a time when their government owes more money than anyone has ever owed in the history of the planet is quite simply nuts.”
All I can say is, Oye… there are so many problems with this statement and if you don’t see them, no matter what I say, you will never see them.
All I can say is, Oye… there are so many problems with this statement and if you don’t see them, no matter what I say, you will never see them.
(7) "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom," wrote Benjamin Franklin in 1784. REALLY – Quoting B. Franklin regarding “virtuous people”. I think he needs a history lesson. And who is to define “virtuous”, a church, the state, the party, him. Or, like many Islamic nations should we have a pseudo government organization like a “Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice”.
( (8) I have to laugh when someone offering a commentary like this uses science as part of their argument – “unknown to the world the day before yesterday is now as unquestionable as the Laws of Physics”. What do you want to bet that this guy is a global warming denier? - which basically means he rejects the scientific method and therefore should care as much about the Laws of Physics as he does about reasoned and civil discourse.
As previously noted – I could have gone line-by-line, statement-by-statement and ripped this “commentary” apart, but its just not worth my time or effort. Maybe this guy will be around with Rush and the rest of the cock roaches and they can argue about it. (sorry stooping to his level)
I will acknowledge there are problems with Ms. Flukes statement. It relies too heavily on personal stories and anecdotal information. More detailed and empirical information could have been provided to back up her statements. Note however, that we regularly see statements by experienced and veteran law makers, experts and talking heads where the same mistakes are made. (Mr. Steyn's statement is an excellent example.) I do not see where these flaws in her statement provide an excuse to excoriate Ms. Fluke the way she has been here or in other "commentaries". Nor, do these flaws explain the wild assumptions and inferences made regarding Ms. Fluke.
A side note:
If it were up to the Catholic Church all forms of birth control (with the exception of the rhythm method) would be illegal.
Update: I've done some reading on this guy. I like him even less. Just a run of the mill fear monger. I see he is co-hosting for Rush. They deserve each other.
Update: I've done some reading on this guy. I like him even less. Just a run of the mill fear monger. I see he is co-hosting for Rush. They deserve each other.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Double Barreled Pistol... I'll take one please!
Looks like it would be fun to shoot!
Why shoot one bullet when you can shoot TWO bullets? This is the AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol by Arsenal Firearms. It is just like a regular pistol, but shoot two bullets at once! The AF2011-A1 holds amazing and surprising target performance for the shooter: in fact, it will group all the 8 double .45 caliber rounds (16 bullets) held in the duplex, single columns magazines, in a target of the size of an orange at 15 yards and of a water melon at 25. The stopping power of the AF2011-A1 is tremendous: 2 bullets for a total of 460 Grains weight impacting at 1 to 2 inches apart (depending on the distance of the target) will knock down a bull, while the whole 18 bullets, for a payload exceeding 4000 Grains, can be delivered to the target in about 3 seconds."
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Facebook Rant: "the Anit Feminist"
The following "article" has been suggested as an appropriate response to Sandra Flukes testimony to congress.
"My Response to Ms. Fluke---the Anti Feminist"
I'm working on a more detailed analysis of Ms. Emmett's post. Hope to include a comparison between what Ms. Fluke actually said and Ms. Emmett's post.
A couple of bits of information Ms. Emmett may have not been aware of.
Ms. Fluke pays for her health insurance. No tax payer dollars are being used to pay for her coverage. Ms. Fluke is requesting that the health insurance SHE pays for cover medications that are covered by a very high percentage of health insurance plans offered across the country. No tax dollars are used to pay for her health insurance.
The decision regarding the type of birth control that is appropriate for a woman should be a decision made between the woman and her doctor. An employer should not be able to insert its views in determining appropriate medical care. There are generally accepted standards of practice and care which are used by the medical profession to determine appropriate care and treatment. If the employer is going to place unrealistic restrictions on the medical coverage they offer for sale when compared to generally accepted standards of practice, the institution should not be in the business of offering healthcare coverage. Employees should be able to band together as a group and select insurance coverage that is acceptable to the group and not the employer/institution.
When did it become the responsibility of any person in the US to be concerned about the quantity, quality and habits of another adult with who they do not have an intimate relationship. I missed that memo. When did it become the prevue of Mr. Limbaugh or Ms. Emmett to decide that another person is having too much sex and the ability to ascribe socially derisive labels to these persons. I missed the announcement of the formation of our "Sex Police Force".
Ms. Emmett seems to find condoms to be her preferred form of birth control. An excellent choice and a doctor's prescription is not required. What she may not understand is that if the Catholic Church had its way Condoms would not be available as birth control. The Catholic Church still bans all forms of birth control with the exception of abstinence and the rhythm method. The groups seek to control and restrict access to all forms of birth control. ( Catholic Position on Birth Control )
In general I find Ms. Emmett's article to be a poorly constructed, full of unfounded and unnecessary personal attack on Ms. Fluke. I find her rant to be just as objectionable as Mr. Limbaugh's attack. I've seen more logic in a stack of bricks.
It seems ironic that on one hand many conservatives don't want the government involved in the health care, but are ok for an employer, institution or religious organization to be able to control individual healthcare. (Of course its ok for the government to run the VA, medicare and medicaid... but that's another rant.)
"My Response to Ms. Fluke---the Anti Feminist"
I'm working on a more detailed analysis of Ms. Emmett's post. Hope to include a comparison between what Ms. Fluke actually said and Ms. Emmett's post.
A couple of bits of information Ms. Emmett may have not been aware of.
Ms. Fluke pays for her health insurance. No tax payer dollars are being used to pay for her coverage. Ms. Fluke is requesting that the health insurance SHE pays for cover medications that are covered by a very high percentage of health insurance plans offered across the country. No tax dollars are used to pay for her health insurance.
The decision regarding the type of birth control that is appropriate for a woman should be a decision made between the woman and her doctor. An employer should not be able to insert its views in determining appropriate medical care. There are generally accepted standards of practice and care which are used by the medical profession to determine appropriate care and treatment. If the employer is going to place unrealistic restrictions on the medical coverage they offer for sale when compared to generally accepted standards of practice, the institution should not be in the business of offering healthcare coverage. Employees should be able to band together as a group and select insurance coverage that is acceptable to the group and not the employer/institution.
When did it become the responsibility of any person in the US to be concerned about the quantity, quality and habits of another adult with who they do not have an intimate relationship. I missed that memo. When did it become the prevue of Mr. Limbaugh or Ms. Emmett to decide that another person is having too much sex and the ability to ascribe socially derisive labels to these persons. I missed the announcement of the formation of our "Sex Police Force".
Ms. Emmett seems to find condoms to be her preferred form of birth control. An excellent choice and a doctor's prescription is not required. What she may not understand is that if the Catholic Church had its way Condoms would not be available as birth control. The Catholic Church still bans all forms of birth control with the exception of abstinence and the rhythm method. The groups seek to control and restrict access to all forms of birth control. ( Catholic Position on Birth Control )
In general I find Ms. Emmett's article to be a poorly constructed, full of unfounded and unnecessary personal attack on Ms. Fluke. I find her rant to be just as objectionable as Mr. Limbaugh's attack. I've seen more logic in a stack of bricks.
It seems ironic that on one hand many conservatives don't want the government involved in the health care, but are ok for an employer, institution or religious organization to be able to control individual healthcare. (Of course its ok for the government to run the VA, medicare and medicaid... but that's another rant.)
FaceBook Rant | "Schulz, Obama, Ingraham - Really"
Alanon teaches me I should not involve myself in this kind of stuff. To stick to my side of the street. I am not a good student. This is one of the reasons that I created this blog. I can rant here and let things go. If someone happens to stumble upon this mess, it is their choice to read on. I warn you, you should NOT read on.
Posted recently on FB in apparent response to the recent troubles Rush has been having.
"So, did Obama call Laura Ingraham when Ed Shultz called her a "Slut". I DON'T THINK SO!!!"
So here are a couple of thoughts:
(1) Because President Obama did not call Laura Ingraham this justifies Limbaugh's three day abuse of Sandra Fluke. How?
(2) Would Laura Ingraham have taken a call from President Obama. How would she have spun such a call?
(3) Would this poster have cared if President Obama called Ms. Ingraham if he (President Obama) had not called Ms. Fluke? I seriously doubt it would have ever crossed the poster's mind.
(4) Even though Mr. Shultz's word choice is also inexcusable, I can't think of too many nice things Ms. Ingraham has had to say about President Obama and his family. She's a big girl, actively and regularly playing in the big and nasty world of politics and pundits. Personally I don't see why Ms. Ingraham would have cared if President Obama had called her.
(5) Again Mr. Shultz's word choice is inexcusable, but it was one instance. He did not go on for three days to denigrate Ms. Ingraham. And, while light in its nature, he did rather quickly accept punishment for his word choice.
(6) How and why did this become an Obama issue?
Posted recently on FB in apparent response to the recent troubles Rush has been having.
"So, did Obama call Laura Ingraham when Ed Shultz called her a "Slut". I DON'T THINK SO!!!"
So here are a couple of thoughts:
(1) Because President Obama did not call Laura Ingraham this justifies Limbaugh's three day abuse of Sandra Fluke. How?
(2) Would Laura Ingraham have taken a call from President Obama. How would she have spun such a call?
(3) Would this poster have cared if President Obama called Ms. Ingraham if he (President Obama) had not called Ms. Fluke? I seriously doubt it would have ever crossed the poster's mind.
(4) Even though Mr. Shultz's word choice is also inexcusable, I can't think of too many nice things Ms. Ingraham has had to say about President Obama and his family. She's a big girl, actively and regularly playing in the big and nasty world of politics and pundits. Personally I don't see why Ms. Ingraham would have cared if President Obama had called her.
(5) Again Mr. Shultz's word choice is inexcusable, but it was one instance. He did not go on for three days to denigrate Ms. Ingraham. And, while light in its nature, he did rather quickly accept punishment for his word choice.
(6) How and why did this become an Obama issue?
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