Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Facebook Rant: "the Anit Feminist"

The following "article" has been suggested as an appropriate response to Sandra Flukes testimony to congress.
"My Response to Ms. Fluke---the Anti Feminist"
I'm working on a more detailed analysis of Ms. Emmett's post.  Hope to include a comparison between what Ms. Fluke actually said and Ms. Emmett's post.

A couple of bits of information Ms. Emmett may have not been aware of.

Ms. Fluke pays for her health insurance.  No tax payer dollars are being used to pay for her coverage.  Ms. Fluke is requesting that the health insurance SHE pays for cover medications that are covered by a very high percentage of health insurance plans offered across the country.  No tax dollars are used to pay for her health insurance.

The decision regarding the type of birth control that is appropriate for a woman should be a decision made between the woman and her doctor.  An employer should not be able to insert its views in determining appropriate medical care.  There are generally accepted standards of practice and care which are used by the medical profession to determine appropriate care and treatment.  If the employer is going to place unrealistic restrictions on the medical coverage they offer for sale when compared to generally accepted standards of practice, the institution should not be in the business of offering healthcare coverage. Employees should be able to band together as a group and select insurance coverage that is acceptable to the group and not the employer/institution.

When did it become the responsibility of any person in the US to be concerned about the quantity, quality and habits of another adult with who they do not have an intimate relationship.  I missed that memo.  When did it become the prevue of Mr. Limbaugh or Ms. Emmett to decide that another person is having too much sex and the ability to ascribe socially derisive labels to these persons.  I missed the announcement of the formation of our "Sex Police Force".

Ms. Emmett seems to find condoms to be her preferred form of birth control.  An excellent choice and a doctor's prescription is not required.  What she may not understand is that if the Catholic Church had its way Condoms would not be available as birth control.  The Catholic Church still bans all forms of birth control with the exception of abstinence and the rhythm method.  The groups seek to control and restrict access to all forms of birth control.  ( Catholic Position on Birth Control )

In general I find Ms. Emmett's article to be a poorly constructed, full of unfounded and unnecessary personal attack on Ms. Fluke.  I find her rant to be just as objectionable as Mr. Limbaugh's attack.  I've seen more logic in a stack of bricks.

It seems ironic that on one hand many conservatives don't want the government involved in the health care, but are ok for an employer, institution or religious organization to be able to control individual healthcare.  (Of course its ok for the government to run the VA, medicare and medicaid...  but that's another rant.)