Monday, March 19, 2012

Food for thought re. healthcare in the US

First, not a proponent of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act".

Here's a few articles and programs with some food for thought re healthcare in the US.  Personally, I'd like to think there is a way for the US to figure out a way to provide healthcare to a larger portion of our population (some stats say we have 50 million without some form of health coverage.)  I believe a healthy population lowers cost for all of us.  Preventative care and early intervention, are much better than an emergency room visit when a condition/illness has progressed significantly and requires much more intensive and expensive curative procedures.  Providing healthcare to all is morally and ethically the right thing to do.  If you are a Christian, isn't it the Christian thing to do?   Didn't Jesus heal the sick without expectation of payment?  (Yeah, I know "bleeding heart".  If our society believes that a basic education for all citizens is critical to our nations success, can't or shouldn't we make the same leap regarding healthcare?)

Forbes - Avik Roy: Could Swiss Style Healthcare Work in the US
I like his idea that there is enough wrong for both sides that they can say they forced the other side to take the poison pill and got a deal done.

Frontline Program: Sick Around the World

CNN - Fareed Zakaria: Saving Health Care
You will have to catch this program on CNN.  DVR it.  While there are problems with Zakaria's program (see below), it does show there are alternative paths to what we have today.

Forbes - Avik Roy discusses issues with Fareed's program
I like Fareed, but he does go off the rails as pointed out by Avik.