- death tax
- job creators
- entitlement society
- deep sea energy exploration
- reconciliation
- nuclear option
- clean coal
- no child left behind
- obamacare
- bush tax cuts
- nanny state
- intelligent design
- economic freedom
- death panels
We should expect that everyone from both sides say what one means instead of trying to manipulate with double speak.
Recent post by someone on Facebook:
"If a person is proud of his message, he proclaims it clearly, right? If the globe is warming, he doesn't call it climate change. If one wants abortions to be legal, don't advocate for reproductive rights. Same-sex marriage isn't marriage equality (ask the polygamist what equality means, as he sits in his jail cell.) Reproduce or don't - you have the right. Climate's gonna change, no matter how much corn you take from poor folks to make ethanol. Nobody wants marriage equality, except that bro and sis down the road. If one can't say what one means, maybe there's something wrong with what one means to say."